The Equity Center staff give finance presentations and updates across the state each year. We also provide FREE programs and school finance training around the state for superintendents, CFOs and school board members at local regional service centers, as well as Capitol briefings in Austin for legislators and legislative staff. View our latest presentations below or contact us for specific training or program requests.
EC Midwinter Presentation 1.28.24
EC Solutions for the 88th, Legislative Staff Presentation 2.9.23
Commissioner Morath's Presentation, EC 1.29.23
Equity Center Midwinter Presentation 1.29.23
Equity Center Region 8 Presentation 6.14.22
Equity Center Region 5 Presentation 5.12.22
Equity Center TASA/TASB Presentation 9.24.21
Equity Center Region 12 Legislative Wrap-up Presentation 6.16.21
Equity Center TASA Presentation 6.12.20: School Funding and the Future?

Equity Center Midwinter Breakout Presentation (Tuesday) 1.28.20: Where to Now?
Leo Lopez, TEA Midwinter Presentation (Sunday) 1.26.20: HB 3 Implementation
Equity Center Midwinter Presentation (Sunday) 1.26.20: HB 3...What Have We Done?
Updated Facilities (I&S) Slides, Equity Center 01.31.20
Region 8 ESC Presentation, Equity Center - 01.13.20
Region 11 ESC Presentation, Equity Center - 11.7.19
Region 15 ESC Presentation, Equity Center - 11.6.19
Region 10 ESC Presentation, Equity Center - 10.30.19
Longview Legislative Summit Presentation, Equity Center - 09.28.19
TASA/TASB Fall Presentation, Equity Center: "What Happened to..." - 09.20.19
Region 5 Post-Session Presentation, Equity Center - 09.11.19
Region 7 Post-Session Presentation, Equity Center - 09.04.19
Region 17 Post-Session Presentation, Equity Center - 08.28.19
Region 2 Post-Session Presentation, Equity Center - 08.21.19
Region 3 Post-Session Presentation, Equity Center - 07.31.19
Mary Hardin-Baylor Presentation, Equity Center - 07.10.19
Membership Meeting Presentation: Equity Gains Under HB 3 — 06.24.19

Region 12 Summer Leadership Conference Presentation, Equity Center - 06.11.19
Equity in Education Midwinter Conference Presentation — 01.27.19

Super-Sized Solutions Presentation — 12.12.18

Super-Sized Problems Presentation — 12.06.18

Overview of a school finance Plan 03.19.18